We have been admitted to the Association of Professional Wedding Photographers!Zostaliśmy przyjęci do Zrzeszenia Profesjonalnych Fotografów Ślubnych!

Sukces! Nasza praca została doceniona! Jest nam niezmiernie miło poinformować, że zostaliśmy przyjęci do Zrzeszenia Profesjonalnych Fotografów Ślubnych. Kika słów o Zrzeszeniu: „Zrzeszenie Profesjonalnych Fotografów Ślubnych to organizacja porządkująca rynek usług fotografii ślubnej w Polsce
poprzez promowanie na swoich stronach jedynie sprawdzonych oraz działających profesjonalnie usługodawców.
Ma ona na celu pomoc w wyborze fotografa poprzez skrupulatną weryfikację swoich członków[….]”

Więcej o zrzeszeniu tutaj, Zapraszamy: http://www.zpfs.org.pl/


A great success! Our work has been recognized! We are most pleased to inform that we have been admitted to the Association of Professional Wedding Photographers! Just a few words of explanation: the APWP is a Polish  organization which is concerned with structuring the market of such services as wedding photography by recommending only its recognized and fully professional members.

The aim of APWP is to help any potential client to choose a professional photographer from among the recognized and meticulously verified members of this community.

More about APWP on: http://www.zpfs.org.pl/


<!--:en-->We have been admitted to the Association of Professional Wedding Photographers!<!--:--><!--:pl-->Zostaliśmy przyjęci do Zrzeszenia Profesjonalnych Fotografów Ślubnych!<!--:--> 1

A great success! Our work has been recognized! We are most pleased to inform that we have been admitted to the Association of Professional Wedding Photographers! Just a few words of explanation: the APWP is a Polish  organization which is concerned with structuring the market of such services as wedding photography by recommending only its recognized and fully professional members.

The aim of APWP is to help any potential client to choose a professional photographer from among the recognized and meticulously verified members of this community.

More about APWP on: http://www.zpfs.org.pl/

<!--:en-->We have been admitted to the Association of Professional Wedding Photographers!<!--:--><!--:pl-->Zostaliśmy przyjęci do Zrzeszenia Profesjonalnych Fotografów Ślubnych!<!--:--> 1

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